Thursday, February 17, 2011

Bobby's Sweet Spot

As soon as we moved to the Island, Bobby found his sweet spot.

And what a sweet spot he found.

The other night he asked me to go for a drive with him, he wanted to take some pictures of his spot.

Now, the county set this area aside for everyone but our little family family calls it Bobby's.

This is Bobby looking out over the inlet. I love this picture.

This is what it looks like just before dusk.

I hope you enjoyed our little taste of SC...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


My friends 4G1G (For God, 1 God) came up to SC for the weekend for me to take their pictures for their website and CD cover. Wow... they actually trusted me.

Here is a small snap shot of what I got!

Not to bad for someone who has never take a class before.

I'm sure a professional can poke whole in each one,

but from where I'm sitting..

I really like them.