Wednesday, February 23, 2011

ABC's Extreme Home Makeover

One of my close friends was chosen by ABC's Extreme Home Makeover Edition
to be the next family to receive a new home.

To add to the excitement; my friend Sue Cramer asked me to write an article for
Praise and Coffee Magazine about mine and my friends experience with ABC
and the building of her new home.

The Article will have pictures of the inside of my friends new home along with candid thoughts about her families experience during the process and mine
as one of the many volunteers on the build.

My article can not be published until my friends episode airs on ABC latter this spring. Until then, I have include two "Before" pictures to give you an idea of what their
new home looks like.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

This past Saturday was so beautiful here on the Island that we decided to take a short drive to Bluffton to check out their down town area. We found so many treats...

One of my best friends in FL has a daughter named Brooke Dean. I had to take this picture. Maybe it's more than just a sign.

One of the "outdoor" galleries in down town Bluffton. Nice guy and nice art!

Love this convertible. It was fittingly parked next to our Durango. I can so see Sam and I riding in this or the 68 Mustang I have dreamed of owning since I was 16. One day soon!!

One of the houses for sale on the main road of the historic downtown area.

James and Bill at the restaurant.. I caught Bill mid sentence.

James in the Durango.. He is such a cutie!

This is Mrs. Caroline Noble. She is from England as well. Only she still has her accent.
Caroline has the cutest little shop called "Madhouse Vintage". Walking in reminded me of my Grandmothers home in England. And this before I knew where she was born. If you live in SC and haven't been to her store, you need to check her out. She has the sweetest vitage outfits for even sweeter prices. She is so worth the drive.
When I loose my 35 lbs, Mrs. Caroline is my first stop to shop! I am so excited!!

My Sammie girl and I at the Mexican restaurant. James couldn't wait for dinner and I need to work on my Spanish as I prepare for my trip to Honduras this June!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Bobby's Sweet Spot

As soon as we moved to the Island, Bobby found his sweet spot.

And what a sweet spot he found.

The other night he asked me to go for a drive with him, he wanted to take some pictures of his spot.

Now, the county set this area aside for everyone but our little family family calls it Bobby's.

This is Bobby looking out over the inlet. I love this picture.

This is what it looks like just before dusk.

I hope you enjoyed our little taste of SC...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


My friends 4G1G (For God, 1 God) came up to SC for the weekend for me to take their pictures for their website and CD cover. Wow... they actually trusted me.

Here is a small snap shot of what I got!

Not to bad for someone who has never take a class before.

I'm sure a professional can poke whole in each one,

but from where I'm sitting..

I really like them.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Pictures I Found From 2005

Bill, he is so weird! I love this about him!!

The Golden Calf

We walked upon this after getting off the elephant on the top of the mountain.

My heart sank..........

I knew I was in a country that worshiped Buddha....... and yet still surprised when I saw children worshiping and praying to a golden calf.

This brought Exodus 32 to life for me. Especially verse 24.

23 For they said to me, ‘Make us gods that shall go before us; as for this Moses, the man who brought us out of the land of Egypt, we do not know what has become of him.’ 24 And I said to them, ‘Whoever has any gold, let them break it off.’ So they gave it to me, and I cast it into the fire, and this calf came out.”

My heart cries out for them and those who are sharing the Gospel in Cambodia.

The missionaries need our prayers and support to do the work God has called them too.

Pastor Sam and his wife DJ are AG missionaries to the area of Battambang, Cambodia. There is only one other church in the whole city.

I looked and could not find a Catholic church, nor Methodist. Not even a Baptist church or any other so I asked. There are only two churches in this area and both are Assemblies of God.

I'm not saying this is a bad thing. Just showing you that our missionaries need our help. You don't have to be AG to call them your missionaries! We are one Body with many parts!

It's not like America. We can find a church in any city within walking distance.

Pastor Sam and DJ need our prayers and our support to accomplish the work God has given them to do.. And they are doing it..

They are planting churches.

They are teaching the people in Cambodia English through the Bible. They currently have over 1500 students and running many one hour classes over and over through out the day.

They are rescuing girls from the brothels (Human Trafficking) in their area's and taking them on at the church, putting them to work giving them each an income and supplying their needs.

They are spreading the Gospel across a hurting and scared country that needs to know who Jesus Christ is!

They are disciplining new Christians and the 12 churches. (more churches are getting ready to start and even more are coming)

Pastor Sam is a husband and father to 3 children. He is a very busy pastor! He is the sheaphard of many!

They have planted 12 churches in the villages outside the city limits where it's almost impossible for the villagers to go into town for church services. The churches are so important to getting the Gospel out.

Unfortunately the churches don't have Pastors. They each have leaders that are saved and sharing the Word with the churches. They desire to go to our AG school in Phnom Penh but don't have the funds to pay for their classes. So they are praying and selling what they own to raise the funds to send them.

They will go into all of Cambodia spreading the Gospel!

Go..... I love this word!

Legacy of Hope International has come along Pastor Sam and DJ to help them by raising funds for the vast needs this couple faces. They both need our help!

If you can help, please go to LoHi's site and give the amount God is calling you to give.

I pray this short video tugs at your spirit and moves your soul and heart!

Jesus died that all would come to salvation, even little girls who are worshiping a calf because this is what they have been taught their while life. But it takes the whole Body of Christ working together!

Elephants Gone Wild

I recorded quite a few video's while on our trip. This one is Ryan and I riding up the side of one of the mountains in Siem Reap, Cambodia. We have never rode an elephant and we have a huge issue with heights! The video is funny and shows some beautiful sites of the area... Well, the mountain, anyway! Hope you enjoy!